100% Pure Java

ProtoView data models use a unique n-tier architecture to seamlessly connect to data from any source with little to no coding. 

Using the JSuite, GUI developers can concentrate coding efforts on the presentation view of the application, leaving database integration and connection to the ProtoView data models. 

Top 1% JARS Review

How They Work 

Ideal for team settings, a ProtoView data model separates the presentation data from the server data. Using a single model on the server, a business tier developer can obtain data from XML, JDBC or any of the supported adaptor class supplied with the ProtoView data models.

For example: a company creating a browser-based ASP product are required to communicate with a number of internal and external databases and servers to obtain data for their customers. This ranges from pricing information off an internal server to supplier inventory levels on their partner's B2B server. Once collected, the data needs to be sent to the customers browser. 

Retrieving and collecting disparate pieces of data has been simplified with the ProtoView data models. For this scenario, the business tier developer can use the ProtoView XML data model to retrieve data off the B2B server containing supplier inventory levels. Next, the business tier developer would use the ProtoView JDBC data model to access corporate pricing information from an internal database server. 

Once the data has been collected, the ProtoView Presentation data model is able to take all this data and collect it into a Java Object. This Java Object of data is then serialized and can be passed, using a streaming socket (TCP/IP), to the front-end and rendered in the DataTableJ grid component or used directly by the front-end developer. 

The Benefits Of N-Tier Data Models 

The business tier developer has the tools to simplify the collection of all the disparate data for the application. On the client-side, the front-end GUI developer has been removed from the complexity of the back-end processing and needs only to use the ProtoView Presentation data model to display the data.

The ProtoView Presentation data model also provides flexible properties for updating data. Developers can specify batch updating of changed records or immediate updating of data, reducing network traffic. ProtoView data models fit into your team's n-tier application architecture by obtaining and persisting data on the middle tier, reducing the process requirements for the front-end. 

With this unique design, the JSuite has created a data environment where n-tier communication to and from data sources is not only simplified, but interchangeable. Data is not only easier to obtain from any source, but when created as Java Objects by ProtoView data models, it can be freely passed from one data model to the next.

Each data model becomes a piece to the overall application logic developed by your team. With the ability to seamlessly integrate into n-tier application development, the JSuite and ProtoView data models will quickly become an essential part of any Java application solutions. 

Data Models Included 

  • XML. 
    • Reads either the standard DTD file or XML schema (Microsoft). 
  • JDBC. 
  • Text file. 
    • Any delimited file type. 
    • Set the start row. 
    • Set the column header row. 
    • Skip rows. 
  • Binary file. 
  • Sockets (TCP/IP). 
    • Provide socket connections as continuous data streams (example: live stock ticker). 
    • Provide socket connections that buffer to either the size of the table, or a specified row amount, and then sent over as a batch. 
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User Stories & Reviews

The JSuite has been featured in a number of features and reviews. Here is just some of what the press is saying about it:

"ProtoView's JSuite is an ideal present for people complaining about the
lack of quality third-party components for Java...the amount of properties
available for customization is impressive...while evaluating JSuite, I found
it to be an extremely well designed and stable component collection
that will significantly speed up user interface implementations."

- Java Pro, Review

"With ProtoView's release of JSuite, they have successfully raised the bar
on usable JavaBeans...They are rich in features and have a lot to offer
any Java developer."
- Java Developer's Journal, Review

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This page was last updated Friday, February 25, 2000.